The power of GRATITUDE


Gratitude : the quality of being thankful; gratefulness;  thankfulness.

Happiness comes from gratitude : 
            We cannot buy, earn or consume happiness. it comes with the gratitude. When we focus on our gratitude, the ride of disappointment goes out and the tide love rushes in.

Try this thing, If you buy anything, or someone help you with just little thing then you should say thanks to them. Those people have been working since morning, they may have met so many peculiar folks, but then you thank that person with a big smile on your face they will feel so good and the smile on that person's face will make your heart so happy. We think that play station or new laptop or this or that thing will make us happy, Is this true? Ask your inner self.. I'm not saying that this things will not make us happy but it gives us temporary happiness. If someone is feeling good because of you then it gives you true happiness. 

Do you know what mistake we humans make, we never express gratitude, we just count mistakes. We wonder what it is, i can also do that why to thank for this ?  Our parents, siblings, friends do so much for us but we never  really thank them, if we don't show gratitude to them then also they will do all the things for us.

But just imagine for one time if you show gratitude towards them that, you do so much for me and i never thanked you enough, then in reply they says that : there's no need to thank us. But trust me on this, you will put a big smile on there faces and you can feel it and it gives you true happiness. 

GRATITUDE is a 9 letter word, but we never thought it would spread happiness in our and others lives.

If you will learn this then you will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exist in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law : THE MORE YOU HAVE AND ARE GRATEFUL FOR, THE MORE WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU.

I'll give you a small work, just think what's one thing in your life you're grateful for now ? Really.. Take moment to think of something. It could be your home, the weather, your children, job, pets, or friends. It could be recent positive changes, health, or in this lockdown situation you are safe and spending time with your loved ones. whatever comes into your mind... Whatever big, small, or seemingly insignificant thing you're grateful for appears.. Take a moment and honor it.

With love and gratitude,



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